Welcome to InvestSuisse.
More than just an insurance broker.
It is a matter of increasing the best.
As an independent Swiss insurance broker, we are a reliable and loyal partner who understands both you and your wishes and insurance needs precisely and is therefore able to implement them to the letter.
The search for the optimal price-performance ratio for your insurance portfolio, the elaboration of complex insurance solutions as well as the support and settlement of claims are a constant challenge and are part of the daily routine of InvestSuisse AG.
Companies with national and international reputation, which have been serviced by us in the insurance sector for years, are happy to confirm the quality, professionalism, dynamism and precision of InvestSuisse AG. We would be pleased to convince you in a conversation of our innovative and profitable concepts, which we consistently implement for the benefit of our valued clientele.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Jürg R. Ernst
Founder / President of the Board of Directors
Versicherungsthemen allgemein
Diese Ausgabe informiert über die allgemeine Versicherungswelt. Wir gehen auf das Thema Cyberkriminalität, Rückversicherer und 1e-Lösung ein sowie was die Versicherungswelt in Zusammenhang mit Covid-19 zu tun hat. Zusätzlich präsentieren wir die Kennzahlen der Sozialversicherungen per 2021 im Vergleich zum Vorjahr.